Monday, December 16, 2013

How to find a Job in the UK

If you are not planning to do a job “undercover”... not paying taxes and all these things that you will end up regret later on here is what you need to do:


-          It’s very easy and takes about 2 weeks before you get your card.

-          You can start working even though you didn't received your card yet as long as it’s on the process.


Well you could do it online at :

Or You could do like I did when I got there:

I went to the Job Center where there is these Door-mans hanging around.
Let me tell you that seems very impressive to a French person. I don’t know what’s happened in UK, but it’s weird to feel that as an unemployed person you could be a threat to... to who in fact? Well if one of you British person know the reason of such need of protection, I would be happy to get an explanation.So this guy is going to ask you the reason of you being here... Like I don’t know it could be because you plan to bomb the Job center...In that case you better not let him know.Anyway, tell him you need a NI number and he will direct you to the right office.
I think you actually need to call a number to get an appointment and then you’re contacted for an interview. Make sure you have your documents with you.Once you've passed it you will receive you’re NI card within a few days.You can then start to look for a job...


Depending what job you are looking for you have 2 Options:

1-      Starting the Job hunting before getting to UK.

But this is if you have been a very good student, or if  your parents paid a fortune for you to become an Architect, an Engineer or any technical job that could be required In a foreign country because your skills makes the difference. But that only work if you speak English a minimum.

So to look for a job here is a website that will help you a lot to start with:

2-      Look for a job once you are there.

Arrive with a bunch of C.V. , in English of course and go from door to door asking for any available position. This is if you aim is to learn English and you don’t really care what type of job you are going to do. Then I advise you to go to all the restaurants, bars etc... and also ask the backpackers where you have landed to advise you on that. Do not hesitate to talk to people in the street. Sometime the best opportunities come from the acquaintance you make.

So Good luck living the Neverlanding Experience!

(Chers Franchouillards: Comme je suis gentille (si, si c’est vrai!)  je vais traduire cette page en francais pour que vous puissiez beneficier correctement des informations ci-dessus.)

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