Monday, December 16, 2013


Hi Everybody,

I've decided to start a blog since I have lots of free time and I feel a lot of people might be interested about travelling and reading about it.

I'm an expatriated French girl on the move. I've left my hometown one day and I'm now in Australia for the second year.

Years ago, I took a suitcase, had some savings, and I went to live in UK for a couple of years. After seeing a different country, learning English, get to know the British culture etc... it was difficult to go back home and simply get back to a normal life. So I've decided to keep on the travelling experience.

Why is it called The Neverlanding Experience?
Isn't travelling giving you that feeling? The one where you think that while you're on the move nothing around is changing. The only way to escape growing up or watching yourself stay in this one place and feeling the earth is turning so fast you will be dead before you know it.

Here you go!

I guess I'm going to talk about my travels, give you some advices to get through all the steps when you travel.

I will share my own experiences and my problems in fact. Because I feel that if I can let you know about how tough it is out there you might be able to cheer me up in somehow, by reading me...And I hope I can do the same.

And together we can keep making the Neverlanding Experience!

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